An idea in a mind of people who studied Commerce and Computer Science in their lives, but couldn't let the arts and affairs of wit out of their sight, matured into BenQTees. Initially, we just wanted to sell superhero T-shirts fused with the culture of Pakistan. Started with the Lego March, little superheroes expressing their concerns on our tees, it eventually turned into BenQTees that also re-introduced the famous Cornered Tiger T Shirt of Imran Khan, the legendary cricketer and leader.
How it All Began…
We are a team of digital marketers and e-commerce enthusiasts that enjoy art and humor, mostly when they’re combined. All members of our team come from diverse educational and cultural backgrounds. That’s what we wanted to channel and make our art sellable. It was a challenge, of course that art and computer science rarely go along. What better way to make t-shirts fun with some clever sentences and cool art concepts make the emblems for your own chest? You can be a fun Superman! That’s what we want to wear and the same is what we want to share… with you!
Now we make printed t-shirts, mugs, hoodies and many more stuff that you love and desire.

The Promise of Wit
We love intelligent humor, passionate thoughts, art and all that combined with quality products. High quality materials and indestructible prints. Because all the great ideas come with a great responsibility.